Terms of Services update

We've made changes to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

The major change is that our company is now called SpatialChat LTD, which finally reflects the name of our product :)

Quick overview:

  • With the new company, we are still the same people and owners
  • SpatialChat smoothly transitioned our self-serviced payments system, so no other actions are required from your side if you are using Standard Plan

If you are our business customer, your Account Manager manages your future invoices to be with the correct credentials.

Check the full guide for our business customers.

SpatialChat Release 15/03/21

Hey guys! We work every day for improvement and development of our cool product and now we've already cooked a new release 😎 

Change log:

  • Some improvements for our balloon-chat like mobile support 📲 
  • Some bug fixes for our beta room - Stage, now it's more better! 🎸 
  • New Share icon in ToolBar for the easiest seeking 📌 
  • Some improvements for the system stabilization and scaling  📈 

SpatialChat Release 02/03/21

Hey guys! We have already updated SpatialChat 🙂 Feel free to explore our new features. 


  • Our major feature is already here! Ladies and gentleman - Stage 😎 This is a new type of our room where you can be as a speaker (up to 3 on Stage) or can be like a listener (up to 1000!). Feel free to use this thing for your event for the best experience 😉  
  • We've added a moderation feature for our ChatBar 👮  Admins and Hosts can now delete messages from any room.
  • Toolbar Chat is back with a new face💃 Now, you can send balloon messages and see it on the map with your spot but also at the same time, you can find this message in the ChatBar 🏂 

SpatialChat Release 02/03/21

Hey guys! It's amazing day today! Our new release has been already released on production! 

Change log:

- Brand new design with new face! Feel free to explore it now🏄 

- We've added Room chat for everyone 💃  Our users can text to everyone in every room!


SpatialChat + Giphy = ❤

Now you can add any GIF to the room with just a few clicks.

For example, with cats

We also added a warning that you shouldn't add many objects to the room, as some users may have performance problems due to this. So don't add a lot of cats. Five is the optimal amount.

New soundwave and some fixes

We have changed the sound wave around your bubble, and thanks to this, we have significantly reduced the load on the user's processor. Hurrah!

Now SpaceID has become a Space URL - which is more understandable for users.

We've also fixed a few bugs. 😉

New Feature! Broadcast

While Megaphone allows you to speak to the whole room, there is a function of broadcasting to all rooms at once. This button is only available to admins and hosts and is located at the bottom of the screen. 

This feature will be useful when you need to make a short announcement for all participants in all rooms since you cannot get feedback on this channel.

By clicking on this button, you will need to confirm the start of broadcasting. Please note that you will not be able to hear other room members. 

When you start broadcasting, your image will be shown in every room and every participant in the upper left corner of the screen.


You can also turn off the camera and only use the microphone for broadcasting.

Then, instead of your image, such a sound wave will be shown.


November 25th update: domain links, memorizing devices and more

Links in messages

Previously, if you sent a link to the chat that contained domains of the second or more levels, it was recognized as a link. For example "globo.com.br" (it doesn't seem to work correctly on Annoncekit either). This is now fixed in SpatialChat.

Memorizing devices

Now you don't have to select a device every time on the welcome page. Once you have selected a specific camera or microphone, the next time you log into SpatialChat, that device will already be selected.

Solving the problem with reconnection

Some of our users had problems using SpatialChat when changing the connection type (for example, changing the wifi or connecting the cable). Similar issues have been fixed.